Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

The term «digital transformation» describes how digital technology is integrated into every aspect of a company or organization, profoundly altering how it runs and provides value to customers.

This involves the deployment of digital technology to expedite operations, improve customer experiences, and spur innovation, such as cloud computing, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile applications.
Health Information Technologies (HITs) are the systems used to organize, store, exchange, and analyze health information in the healthcare sector. HITs include a wide range of programs, devices, and services intended to better patient care, enhance healthcare delivery, and speed up administrative procedures. HITs include, among other things, telemedicine platforms, data analytics tools, mobile health applications, wearable technology, electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchanges (HIEs), and others. These technologies seek to improve health information’s effectiveness, accuracy, accessibility, and interoperability, which will help medical professionals make better decisions and provide better treatment for patients.
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